The sample is sent to a lab for tests. X-rays may show if any bones are broken or out of place. X-rays of your chest and abdomen may also be taken. CT or MRI pictures may be used to check for bleeding in your brain.How is physical abuse treated?
The ligament complex on the inside part of the ankle is called the deltoid ligament. It connects the tibia to the same bones as the lateral ligaments but on the inside of your foot in addition to the navicular bone for added support. When you sprain your ankle, you’re tearing one of t...
Ligaments are tough bands of tissue that hold bones orcartilagetogether. But when they tear, they may not heal. Doctors routinely treat torn ACLs (anterior cruciate ligament) in thekneeby grafting on a healthy tendon to replace it. Coronary Bypasses and Other Vascular Grafts If one of thearter...
尽管通过一种新的计算机辅助设计过程生产出来的定制的修复用的骨替代物的价格是普通替代物的两倍多,定制的替代物仍然是节约成本的。定制的替代物不仅可以减少手术和术后恢复的时间,而且它更耐用,因而减少再次住院的需要。 为评论以上提出的论述,必须研究以下哪一项( )
Anotherexample is found in the way morphologicalfeaturesare recognizedby those attemptingcladisticanalyses.Holes andbumpson bones ("large fenestra,"for instance)arerecognizedas significantin basicallyimpressionisticways. 68Needham 1975:364. What, if Anything, is Maha-yanaBuddhism? 389 many Buddhistsdo ...