What does "body count" mean in TikTok terms? No, we're not referring to how many people one person has killed. "Body count" refers to how many people a person has had sex with. What people define as "sex" differs from person to person, but it generally refers to sexual intercourse,...
I was not really surprised when I arrived at “Bodies” to find no sign of public protest—to find that the wonders of science at the admission price of $20 had prevailed over the minority opinion that a peeled human body exhibit ... 展开 ...
Responses to the question ranged from just a few words to several sentences. The mean number of words per response was 11.5. With such a large number of brief responses, we sought to establish a rigorous, but suitably flexible, method of identifying themes and coding responses according to the...
You mean I’m fucking washing dishes for my future in-laws? KI-TEK Hilarious! You’re washing your future in-law’s tighty-whities! Your daughter-in-law’s school socks! Ki-Tek pretends to wash a sock, laughing hysterically, when he suddenly feels Chung-Sook’s murderous glare. He...
I like the feeling of now what nobody is trying to say. Company, organization structure. Organize this. The way in which the different parts of the system are arranged and work together. Efficient. Doing something well and shortly with no waste of time, money or energy. Mean. The way ...
While a large body of research has sought to understand HIV transmission risk behaviours among gay men, bisexual men and other men who have sex with men (MSM), less attention has been paid to the wider sexual health and well-being of this population. While some community-based organisations ...
A high platelet count is any number above 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. A high white blood cell count is any number above 11,000 white blood cells per microliter of blood. Despite both blood components having a beneficial role for the body, they can become a problem if there...
White blood cells or leukocytes are part of the immune system and help the body fight infection. High white blood cell count is leukocytosis.
So, only ::std::cout is really explicit about exactly which object you mean, but luckily nobody in their right mind would ever create their own class/struct or namespace called "std", nor anything called "cout", so in practice using only std::cout is fine. Noteworthy differences: 1) ...
There, basic fertility tests are usually performed for both the man and the woman, since there may be a problem in either of the two members of the couple or even in both. I recommend that you talk to the professionals who performed the fertility test so that they can perform a semen ...