Maintaininghealthy blood sugar levelsalso helps maintain healthy total testosterone, especially as you age. Goodbye, tobacco and excess alcohol: Studies show that tobacco products have a direct impact on total testosterone, and alcohol consumption, in particular more than two drinks a day, has also ...
Your comment shows how stupid and ignorant you are! Anything beyond 30 is dangerous and with 514 GGT you are asking such such stupid questions like whether you can drink alcohol?!! Are you out of your mind? Health is wealth- remember this always and quit asking stupid questions in a pu...
blood test, or urine test. 2. Factors Affecting BAC Thenumber of drinksyou consume will directly impact your BAC. Your BACwill increaseas you consume more alcoholic drinks.2 But other factors besides alcohol consumption can affect a person’s BAC. Some of the more common ones include: ...
This test shows the early macrocytic changes of the red blood cells. If the diagnosis is unclear, the doctor may advise bone marrow biopsy to make an appropriate diagnosis. What are the treatment options for macrocytic anemia? Treatment for macrocytic anemia is achieved by treating the underlying...
Zeroing in on the main factors able to clinically differentiate NAFLD from ALD is essential. Alcohol consumption can be evaluated as alcohol consumption (e.g., drinks per week) or as a lifetime measure (e.g., alcohol dependence). One of the most common criteria for evaluating excess alcohol...
Still, other studies show a connection between BPH and lifestyle factors such as high cholesterol, excessive weight, poor diet, and immoderate alcohol consumption. Those with conditions such as diabetes, a lowered immune system, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, and atherosclerosis should also...
Stiff Person’s Syndromeor SPS, is often misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s disease or MS. A blood test can help determine if it is SPS. The blood test will be looking at your glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies, which will be much higher in someone with SPS. SPS affects about one in ...
Six years ago my GP noticed a high PSA reading from my annual blood test and ut the fear of God up me by saying “you can phone me at any time day or night”. I saw a specialist oncologist who said I probably had T2 prostate cancer and wanted to take a biopsy immediately. When ...
and other drugs can be found in the blood and hair a lot longer than in urine. For example, if you regularly smoke CBD joints, the THC may show up in your urine for up to 30 days. On the other hand, it can be seen in hair tests up to three months after the last consumption. ...
Among medical professionals, the ‘gold standard’ test for ovulation is transvaginal ultrasonography in combination with progesterone blood test (29), however, this is not possible for those who want to test ovulation at home. For people who want to know when they are ovulating, there are ...