Amiodarone for certain heart conditions — this medication contains iodides that can interfere with thyroid function Monoclonal antibodies, such as nivolumab and pembrolizumab Lithium for bipolar disorder (though this is rare) [9] Taking a biotin supplement does not cause thyroid dysfunction, but it ma...
Proponents of this test believe that it ensures greater accuracy without requiring as much of a sample as a venous blood draw. However, since the test is not widely available right now, it's unknown exactly how well the test compares with conventional TSH testing. When TSH Alone Is Not Enou...
Blood hCG tests The second way to test for hCG is through a blood test, often called a “beta hCG test,” done at your doctor’s office. This provides precise hCG levels in mIU/ml, unlike urine tests. Blood tests can detect hCG earlier—about a week after conception. They’re handy ...
Reply to this post… Leslie Blum13580 I was exposed to someone who tested positive and have been testing negative using Flowflex. Just to compare I used the test we just received from the government, AccessBio, which had what looked like a positive line at the full ten minutes. It was r...