Nerve damage, also calledneuropathy, that causes tingling, pain, or less sensation in yourfeet, legs, and hands Poor blood flow to the legs and feet Slow wound healing and the potential for amputation, in rare cases Keep your blood sugar levels close to normal to avoid many of these health...
When there is too much glucose over an extended time (hyperglycemia), it can lead to severe nerve damage, impaired immunity, and heart and kidney disease. On the other hand, not enough glucose in the blood over several minutes to hours (hypoglycemia) can negatively affect the functioning of...
Continuous glucose monitoring gives people direct insight into their blood sugar levels, which can indicate diabetes, a preventable disease that can lead to nerve damage, vision problems, heart problems and more. Without glucose monitoring, detection of diabetes relies on people getting regular...
High blood sugar levels are believed to have the potential to damage the nerves and small blood vessels throughout the body, including those in the inner ear. Dowd toldHearingTracker, “The disruption of small blood vessels and decline of the nervous system affects both hearing and balance organ...
Nerve damage leads to infections, sores, and wound healing problems Risk factors Type 1 Diabetes Although researchers have not yet established exactly what causes high blood sugar levels and diabetes, there are certain factors that increase the risk. ...
Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Management What is peripheral neuropathy (PN)?PN is a type of nerve damage that can develop when your peripheral nerves are damaged. Peripheral nerves are located outside of the brain and spinal cord. These nerves send information from your brain and ...
be caused bynerve damage that affects the body's ability to secrete epinephrine. People with Type 1 diabetes sometimes develop impaired epinephrine secretion. It can also be the result of very tight blood sugar control, which can dull the body's ability to feel a drop in blood sugar level....
The good news is that cutting back on alcohol intake or avoiding it completely can prevent continued nerve damage and complications. Nonetheless, reversing the damage that has already been done can take longer or become impossible. Besides alcohol consumption, other causes of neuropathy may include ...
Blood sugar levels that are not controlled Nerve damage and numbness in your feet Poor blood flow A foot deformity, such as a bunion or hammertoe Calluses or corns on your feet or toes A decrease in vision that keeps you from seeing your feet clearly ...
Blood sugar level (e.g to check for diabetes) Normal bowel function e.g to check for pancreatitis or abnormal absorption of food like in celiac disease Evidence of infection in your blood Blood test for pregnancy Test for evidence of cancer ...