What types of white blood cells attack and kill viruses infected and cancer cells? Which type of infection leads to an increase in the number of immune cells, mainly basophils? (a) What are antigens? (b) What are Antibodies (Immunoglobulins)? What is sickle cell disease? How does the str...
An abnormally functioning kidney due to renal disease, kidney transplant, and kidney cancer can cause the production of too much erythropoietin, which enhances the production of red blood cells. Certain Medications Certain medications, such as methyldopa and gentamicin can increase red blood cell (RB...
What Causes Blood Cells To Deform, And How Does Deformation Affect Blood Flow?James Riordon
What is the most common type of thyroid cancer? How does papillary thyroid cancer spread? What is well-differentiated thyroid cancer? Where is thyroid cancer located? What is metastatic papillary thyroid cancer? What part of the body does skin cancer affect? What other cancers are linked to thy...
Blood tests may show abnormal white blood cells or signs of anemia (not enough red blood cells). The tests may also be used to measure the amount of inflammation in your blood. Blood tests can also be used to check your liver and kidney function, or see if the cancer has spread to ...
a cancer treatment thatuses drugs to target specific genes and proteins that are involved in the growth and survival of cancer cells. Targeted therapy can affect the tissue environment that helps a cancer grow and survive or it can target cells related to cancer growth, like blood vessel cells...
Now that oncologists are using diabetes medication to fight cancer cells, there’s no doubt (finally) that those mutated cancer cells love sugar. Salted, Pickled, and Smoked Foods: These products typically contain preservatives, such as nitrates, which are intended to prolong shelf life. The ...
The Rhesus (Rh) factor is a protein found on red blood cells. If you have it, you are Rh+; if not, you're Rh−. Rh+ is most common. Being Rh− is not an illness, and it doesn't usually affect your health. It can affectpregnancy, though. If you are Rh−, and your bab...
Some types of treatment, such as chemotherapy, may affect your ability to have a baby. Your provider will talk with you about options if you want to have children. Do not smoke. Nicotine can damage blood vessels and make it more difficult to manage breast cancer. Smoking also increases your...
Lymphangiography is a procedure that uses dye to see if the cancer has spread to your lymph nodes.Will testicular cancer affect my ability to have sex?A male with 1 normal healthy testicle can still have sex and make sperm. Before treatment, ask your healthcare provider how your ability to...