Blockchain and NFTs in mobile gaming: Worth it or wait? Most people’s first exposure to the concept of the blockchain came through cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. The same technology that allows the holder of a Bitcoin wallet to prove they possess currency also allows them to establish owne...
To get good enough to compete on the big stage, you’ll probably have to log thousands of hours in the game. Even then, you never know. Dota 2 isn’t the best for casual play, but if you want something to sink your teeth into for the long haul, it’s one of the most engaging...
There's A Constellation On My Monitor There's A Creeper On My Minecraft There's A Cap On My Mullet There's A Centipede On My Mat There's A Comet On My Map There's A Cloud On My Moon There's A Clamp On My Minivan There's A Compass On My Mobile There's A Crease On My Map...
14 Minecraft: If Falling From One Block Killed You - Minecraft 15 Coup in Dallas: Who Killed JFK and Why 16 Impact: Reshaping Capitalism to Drive Real Change 17 Consequences of Capitalism: Manufacturing Discontent and Resistance 18 Porn Work: Sex, Labor, and Late Capitalism 19 Imperialis...
Nevertheless, we’ve done our best to select just eight games, all of which, we think are well worth your time if you haven’t played them before. As we’re hoping to introduce people to games, there are some obvious choices that we have decided not to include; namely, Minecraft and...