The U.S. Army’s Lancer Brigade showed off a video from its new Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binoculars. The ENVG-B displays a higher-resolution image than previous night vision devices. The goggles also include augmented reality capabilities and allow soldiers to see wirelessly through weapon sig...
Quality pictures both in and out of the water are the best way to create lasting memories of your vacation. We take a waterproof camera with us any time there’s even the slightest chance we’ll get our other camera wet – there’s just no point in risking ruining a non-waterproof came...
Through Dad’s binoculars, we saw a fire tornado sucking flying debris into itself, while a line of advancing flames stretched as far to the east and west as we could see. Fire engine sirens wailed almost constantly, near and far that night, along the streets below us. The LAFD were ...
You can use whatever styrofoam items you already have. The ban does NOT apply to what your are using currently. However, restaurants and stores with an existing inventory of styrofoam will have to stop distributug it. Customers are encouraged to let the Department of Ecology know if a ...
The U.S. Army’s Lancer Brigade showed off its new Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binoculars, which make the battlefield look like a video game.
Through infra-red binoculars the strike Force Leader watches his assault troops as they take positions. STRIKE FORCE LEADER (into headset/in Russian) GO! On the estate - as the power goes out. The team on the mansion's front porch pops the door and pours in. INT. MANSION - NIGHT ...
“sniper” who was issued an SVD, this sniper would then be able to engage enemy units beyond the capability of the standard AK47 or AK74 battle rifles. This is how most units utilize the Designate Marksman today. The US Army had a similar conceptual approach to sniping after the Vietnam...
ATBAmerica The Beautiful ATBActive Turn Based ATBActive Time Battle ATBAnguilla Tourist Board ATBAlternate Top Bevel(saw blades) ATBApproved Training Body(UK) ATBAll Terrain Bike ATBAdvanced Trace Bus(computing) ATBAll Terrain Binoculars(ruggedized all-weather binoculars) ...
The walls of Flyzabad had been breached ad the Khazi’s private army and mutineer allies under Subedar Abhinavin Asheet was pouring into the city to crush all vestiges of imperial rule. However, Captain Phil Macludgie and the ageing and rather poorly Sir Richard Fondler, marshal the remnants...
The 2003 Mars Max began on April 17, less than a week before the US Army s 82nd Airborne entered Fallujah, setting up what history would record as the bloodiest battle of the Iraq War. We all know how it turned out now. What if we could have known that beforehand? Wait, we can!