CONEX containers are still in use by the US military but have been renamed BICON, TRICON and QUADCON containers. These containers are unique to military usage and vary in dimensions from the standard intermodal containers. Dimensions of CONEX Containers The generic sizes of the CONEX containers ha...
“Does anyone have eyes on them? You can’t miss them,” one agent says on the radio. “Potentially two so far,” another chimes in. Less than a year ago, agents were overwhelmed by surrendering asylum-seekers who waited up to several days in the heat or cold, with the exposur...
Developed originally by the military to produce night vision cameras, binoculars, and gun sights, infrared imaging devices are now regularly used by various civilian agencies. Police, firefighters, and search-and-rescue teams use infrared imagers, respectively, to catch criminals in the dark, to ...
And what duty more pressing than communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country? — George Washington 37 What the head thinks, should be examined critically in the heart and this right decision should be carried out by the hands. This should ...
A personreportedseeing a stationary, bright light in the sky at around 10:37 at night. They grabbed binoculars and reported they could make out details of a circle-like craft. The top and bottom reportedly had brighter lights while the middle of the craft was wrapped in smaller lights. ...
An examination using the eyes; a look Used binoculars to get a better view. See Experience or witness (an event or situation) I shall not live to see it I can't bear to see you so unhappy View Field of vision The aircraft has disappeared from view. See Meet (someone one knows) soci...
➡ You love badass military tech. So do we. Let’s nerd out together. The Second Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, also known as the Lancer Brigade, recently showed off the night vision capabilities of the Enhanced Night Visions Goggle-Binoculars (ENVG-B) on Twitter: Vie...
He made a thorough scan of the beach with his binoculars Sweep One who sweeps, especially a chimney sweep. Scan An image produced by scanning; He analyzed the brain scan You could see the tumor in the CAT scan Sweep Sweeps Sweepings. Scan Examine minutely or intensely; The surgeon scanned ...
Magnification power measures how much larger an object appears after magnification. Those who typically speak about magnification are scientists and perhaps bird watchers or photographers. Instruments that have measurements of magnification include microscopes, telescopes, cameras and binoculars. ...
How does Infrared Work? What are Night Vision Goggles? What is an Infrared Thermometer? Discussion Comments Bydonna61— On Mar 17, 2011 This is great information, thanks. I love this technology. I work in the medical field and we are always trying to get the word out about how this is...