Do not gossip! Gossip is murder! It kills the character of others. When someone hurts us or we hear something deliciously bad about someone, it is our nature to want to tell others. Don’t give in to that urge. Go to God and tell Him first, and pray for the person you feel the ...
Murder, anger, gossip, lies, stealing, adultery, are all sins. Most believers would agree these are obvious on the list of bad things we shouldn’t practice. But what about the subtle habits of the mind, such as anxiety? Is it a sin? It’s a great question since many have and deal...
The usual objection people raise here is to claim there is a Bible verse which has Paul saying “to be absent from the body IS to be present with the Lord.” You will find, however, if you read your Bible, that this verse simply does not exist. The verse in question, 2 Corinthians ...
It doesn’t always have to be about singing praise songs. Paul talks about how everything we do, we can do to the glory of God. In the next part of the episode (17:20-29:21), the guys talk about the Hebrew word, “kavod,” one of the words used for “glory” in the Bib...
“The Bible tells you that you can take that dilemma and that struggle to God,” he says. “’How will I come out of this situation? Where are You when I need You?’ When all is said and done, that may be the best prayer I can ever utter. Psychologists make a lot of money, ...
Ezekiel begins chapter 38 with a long list of nations that will attack Israel. None of these nations are called Russia, however, the reference toRoshin verse 2 is a shortened version of the wordRussia. This can be determined linguistically and geographically. The Bible describes Rosh as being ...
The previous verse talks about his walking on water and coming toward Jesus. He was doing fine when his eyes were on Jesus. But when the wind picked up, he had to make a choice about what he saw. Everything hinged on whether he focused his eyes on the Savior – or whether he focuse...
Christ himself rebuked the Pharisees for having the habit of murdering the prophets and then the next generation building them monuments to honour them say “if we were our fathers we would not have done such.” Christ then completes, “So you do admit that you are the sons of the murder...
It doesn’t always have to be about singing praise songs. Paul talks about how everything we do, we can do to the glory of God. In the next part of the episode (17:20-29:21), the guys talk about the Hebrew word, “kavod,” one of the words used for “glory” in the Bible....
The pattern had been set. The secret police would kill whom they chose, Bolshevik power would be absolute, and violence would be used not just for strategic purposes but to terrify. The murder of the Romanovs upped the ante for the new government; now there could be no return. The ghast...