The next morning, I went to and typed “love” into their search engine. The following are the many verses I found that describe God’s love for us. My prayer is that as you read through them you will see God’s heart and the amazing love He has for you, His belo...
There is nothing that we can do to earn God’s love. He simply loves us as a Great Father loves His children. Rest in the fact that He loves you and has loved you before the foundation of the world! Don’t worry, no matter who you are or what you’ve done, God loves you! Rom...
Perhaps you are even thinking…”I have no idea who I am to begin with.” That’s okay too. Read through what Scripture has to say about who God says you are and invite Him to speak to you what you need to hear.(I happen to think he loves that invitation and doesn’t often turn...
The Lord God says through the prophet Isaiah that He will come to get His people (Isaiah 40:10-11) and the reason is the Lord is not defeated by Israel’s sin. God’s desire is for restoration and we note how this restoration is possible because God’s Word stands forever, God...
Jesus was begging, God was near. Either way, whether you take the stance of three or four times in the Bible Jesus cried, the point is, He wept. He had emotions like us. He experienced pain, suffering, and loss. One such time was with Lazarus. Verse 33 says “Jesus is deeply ...
Why? Because he loves us. Does God Hate? What Does the Bible Actually Say? One thing that might help Sandra’s sister is to show herMatthew 5:44where Jesus says, “Love your enemies.” Now, isn’t it interesting.Right before thatHe says, “You have heard it said to love your neigh...
a)This first verse tells us that the Holy Spirit literally lives on the inside of each of us. “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16) b)Now that we know that the Holy Spirit lives on the inside of each...
9) Marriage mirrors God’s relationship with His people “As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you” (Isaiah 62:5). Throughout the Bible, God presents Himself as the husband of His people. His church is His bride whom He loves and cherishes (Ephesian...
The Bible says that God does not change, that He is the same today as He was yesterday. If God the Father is telling us that homosexuality and anything to do with the occult are abominations in His sight back in the Old Testament, then He is not going to be changing His mind just ...
Yes, gossip is a sin. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar to know that gossip is sin. Gossip divides. Gossip destroys. Gossip defames. Gossip is deadly. These types of actions are opposite to how God would want us to interact with each other and speak about each other. We are co...