time for zodiac signs is calculated differently. This is because Western astrologists calculate the first sign based off the Northern hemisphere's vernal equinox (spring), which happens around March 21st every year. From there, the
The year commenced with the vernal (spring or March) equinox, observed on March twenty first with jubilation to commemorate the instant the sun passed the equator going north along the zodiacal path. The Vernal (spring or March) equinox is said to happen inAries. It's just that of all cre...
World of Woo How to sleep during a supermoon November 2024’s supermoon in Taurus Pluto enters Aquarius: How it affects your sign Discover life’s themes with annual profections What is the Law of Attraction? An expert explains Your November 2024 horoscope is here ...
Lisa breaks it down for every sign, so keep on scrolling to read your horoscope and discover the best items to help your inner It Girl through this Taurus season. Let's get astrological. Taurus (April 19 - May 20) According to Lisa, "You've got the Jupiter/Uranus meet-up ...
“The first ten days of your sign is the first decan, approximately the second ten days of your sign is the second decan, and approximately the third ten days is the third decan,” says Ash. “For example, if you were born between the 11th and 20th of March, you would be considered...
Aquarius star sign dates Pisces star sign dates What is your moon sign? What is your rising sign? Opposite astrological signsDon't know your star sign dates or zodiac sign symbol? Are you new to astrology and after an overview of horoscopes and star signs? Well, look no further because we...
You may have read in your daily horoscope that a supermoon is coming and hoped that it would bring some special added bonus gifts. Maybe it will! Depending on the zodiac sign that the moon is in, some astrologers believe that a supermoon can amplify the astrological traits of that sign....
The new Moon in Pisces marks the final new Moon of the astrological year. It allows us to find closure from the past. It also opens the doorway to an expanded consciousness, one that can feel the future we are about to live. When is the New Moon in March 2024?
Our 2025 Moon Sign Horoscopes offer great insights into the influences of the celestial bodies on the 12 Rasis or Moon signs. Here are some general astrological insights for the year 2025 based on the movements of the major planets. Guru or Jupiter: Jupiter would ...
Astrological origins The term "supermoon" didn't originate in astronomy, but in astrology — a pseudoscientific tradition that studies the movements of celestial objects to make predictions about human behavior and events. The term was first mentioned in a 1979 article for Dell Horoscope magazine ...