While it is important to be honest about your weaknesses, there are a few traits that are not appropriate or beneficial to mention in a job interview. This includes tardiness, poor attention to detail, and an inability to meet deadlines. Example Answers: Strengths: I consider myleadership skil...
Stay away from overdone examples like “perfectionism” and “being a workaholic,” as well as weaknesses that are just strengths in disguise (“Sometimes, I work too hard/research too much/consider too many ideas”). 4、选择在工作职责核心以外的挑战 你的强项应该与职位描述中强调的所需技能相...
Free Interview Answers - What are your strengths? Relevance is key. How do your strengths qualify you as the right candidate to make a success of this job? Avoid the mistake of frustrating the interviewer as you describe what a great athlete you are and list your latest sports achievements ...
“I think some of my greatest strengths are my communication skills and willingness to take initiative. During my last internship, when I was helping to manage several social media accounts, I made sure that everyone on the team was on the same page and knew what our messaging strategy was ...
Practice Your Response#5. Stay On Topic#6. Back-Up Your Claims#7. Keep Things BriefFAQs on Strengths and Weaknesses“What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?” Sample AnswersSales and Customer Service Sample AnswersAdministrative and HR Sample AnswersFinance Sample AnswersBusiness Sample Answers...
Use the following sample answers as guidance to get good at talking about your strengths and weaknesses. Sample strength: team management “My greatest strength is team management and encouraging everyone to share their unique perspectives and strengths. I believe this helps employees feel valued, ...
Why Do Interviewers Ask About Your Strengths and Weaknesses How to Answer the “What Are Your Strengths” Interview Question What Is Your Strength—Best Answer Examples How to Talk About Your Weaknesses During a Job Interview How NOT to Talk About Your Strengths and Weaknesses in an Interview ...
The best answers to the HR interview question "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" are given on this page.
2. Reframe the skill to make your response as specific as possible. Here are a few examples of generic strengths with their more descriptive counterparts: Communication skills → Public speaking and presentation skills People ski...
Examples of the Best Answers When answering questions about yourstrengthsandweaknesses, alwayskeep the job description in mind. Remember that these questions are essentially the same from different angles: the employer wants to know that you have the skill set, experience, and attitude necessary to...