What Are You Doing With Your Life? 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 克氏一生著述颇丰,只是出版的著作多为后人根据其演讲和谈话集结而成,因此书中难免会有重复的观点;不同的著作之间也经常会有重复论述的话题,这对于像我这样,只想选择其代表作研读的人来说,无疑设下了障碍。 我的选择标准有二:一是内容上,关注...
voiceandviewpointarebelievable.“Iwantedto getallthisright,”saidSimon.“Thebooksyou readwhenyou?reyoungreallystay withyou.” Forhim,thismeanttheclassicshismotherguided himto,includinghisfavoritesBlackBeautybyAnna SewellandATaleofTwoCitiesbyCharlesDickens. 4.WhatdoweknowaboutSalMiyakefromthetext? A.Sheres...
5.Go overseas once or twice in your life, always to somewhere safe and easy. 偶尔出国一两次,总是去最安全、方便的地方。 6.Get the largest mortgage you qualify for and spend 30 years paying for it. 申请一笔能负担得起的最贵的房贷,然后用余生的30年去还清它。 7.Don't try to learn anoth...
1.课程名称:高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册Unit1Lesson3YourLifeIsWhatYouMakeIt教学设计 2.教学年级和班级:高一年级5班 3.授课时间:2024年9月20日 4.教学时数:45分钟 二、教学目标和内容 1.教学目标: (1)能够理解并运用本课核心词汇和短语。
2.Areyousureyou’rephysicallytoughenoughforthisjob? 3.Heplaysthetoughguyinthemovie. 4.Themeatwastoughandhardtochew. 5.Don’tbetootoughon/withhim—heisonlyachild. 6.atoughlife/job 7.Itwasatoughdecisiontomake.;13.tough/ 下载文档 收藏 分享 赏 0您...
Unit 1 Lesson 3 Your life is what you make it 词汇+课文教学设计 -2023-2024学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册.docx,Unit 1 Lesson 3 Your life is what you make it 词汇+课文教学设计 -2023-2024学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册 科目 授课时间节次 --年
Unit1LifeChoicesLesson3Yourlifeiswhatyoumakeit AvolunteerteacherWhoistheboy?Whereishe?Whatdoyouthinkoftheschool?Whatishedoingthere?Whatwoulditbeliketobeavolunteerteacherthere?Usethewordsandphrasestohelpyou.P14ex.1 AvolunteerteacherWhatdoyouthinkthefeaturedreportwilltalkabout?ChangeshemadeReasonsSituationwhenhe...
with bthStream.Read and bthStream.Write. And as easy as that, you're now talking over Bluetooth. You could use this for any situation where you've got your app running on two phones and you want them to communicate with each other. But there are a ton of other possibilities as well....
You could be content with how your life is going for you now and are simply wondering, “What’s next?”. Maybe something with you feels a little off, and you know you could be doing more to live your life to the fullest. Or you could be overwhelmed, at a complete loss, and don...