"What are you doing?!" he yells "My coat fell in!" his buddy yells back "You're not really gonna wear that again are you?!" his friend said worriedly. "No, no. Gosh no!" Says the old man to the relief of his friend. "I have to get it back though. My teeth are in the ...
Unfortunately, he didn’t repay the favor. “What areyoudoing here?” She opened her mouth to respond, but Lanie beat her to it. “Dad! You said you were going to behave.” “I didn’t knowshewas coming,” he replied without a bit of remorse. Nate pulled out a chair for Carissa,...
appear, unamended, on the agenda for the 2018 General Assembly for final approval. If you have really made it all the way to the end of this footnote, then you are probably the kind of person who would like to see the full details of the procedure, which are found in section C-15.1(...
[whatnauts, my apologies—since this episode ran very close to three hours and since we are in the “Final Five” episodes, I’m going to take the “L” and post the shownotes without additional graphics. It’s just late enough on a Sunday night. I do hope you understand….and that...
Doing things you don’t really want to do simply to make others happy. Idealizing partners or other loved ones, often to the point of maintaining relationships that leave you unfulfilled. These are the things that escorted me into adulthood with little to no self-esteem. Having grown up in...
And The Frame-Up provides everything you want, and then just a bit more.There’s a secret group of art thieves that are very good at what they do, and Dani Poissaint’s mother was one of the best of the best. She was an incredible thief who had a crew that could put together ...
N-Joi are probably best known for their hit Anthem, but some of their other stuff was overlooked more than it should have been, IMHO. Like the track in this video: Mindflux. [Looks like you have to 'Watch on YouTube' which makes my post look a bit crap!] A slightly better quality...
What does it mean when you put a dryer sheet in your mailbox? There's actually a very good reason and your postal worker may thank you for it. As the summer weather remains warm wasps are looking for places to build nests. You'll find them on the eave of your home, to your door...
You can always try sugar free chocolate, sugar free ice cream or Lay's Wow Chips or any chips made with Olestra oil. Although you wouldn't want him to eat these things on a regular basis, the sugar substitutes or oil can act as a very effective for of laxative and these are things ...
That's right if you were grossing 10 grand you were doing pretty doggone good. So...The Bottom line? It's all relative. Your folks or grandfolks hopefully got by just fine and hopefully you are, too. And it would be interesting to see how your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will...