In Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati, and many other Indian languages, the meaning of Akasha has been accepted as sky Subtle Body Many traditions The Subtle Bodies are a series of psycho-spiritual constituents of living beings, and each subtle body corresponds to a subtle plane of existence. The ...
Foreign students are often surprised at how poorly prepared American students are when they enter a university. Actually, at very select schools the students are usually very well prepared, but at less selective schools, they may not be as well prepared as students in your country are. Schools ...
I do not think your impression is correct because you are confusing two very different concepts. Bidah is innovation in theology. Jurisprudence on the other hand is much different is concerned with applying the teachings of revelation in changing times and circumstances, in new languages, ...
😀 You are doing an awesome job passing on the info. We just need more of us so we can do even more. You are right – awareness has been on my radar since day 1. It’s listed on the “sign over my desk” – click here to see. Reply Pingback: Tweets that mention What Can...
But those are just words, and they lead to many confusions if you start imagining this word “exchange” as meaning that the electrons are tossing photons back and forth as two children might toss a ball. It’s not hard to imagine that throwing balls back and forth might generate a ...
So today let us understand the meaning of Kshamapana and try to imbibe it in our lives. Lastly when we ask for Kshamapana from God we are trying to say that I am yours (Bhagwaan hu taaro). But this if reciprocated by Bhawaan as Yes, you are Mine! (Tu maaro!) will complete the...
meaning that you can have more than one card for each app – for instance, you could have a Gmail card and a separate card for sharing through Gmail that won’t disrupt your original Gmail card. The activity cards themselves are now arranged in 3D, with a smooth rolodex-style animation....
>There are many talented people who can solve problems — few people can change the way we look at things. Suddenly, everyone was studying the implications of the Unique Games Conjecture. "You should see the number of mathematicians working on problems that emanated from this conjecture," said...
Today will be all about the improvements to the air warfare coming in the update. Some of you who were at PDXCON this weekend might have had a sneakpeek, but here are the details :) Speaking of PDXCON, I had a lot of fun meeting fans (but yikes my feet after 3 days), and look...