The groups for you are out there… but it takes a little effort to discover them. Here are a few ways to seek them out: Look in your existing circles.Start with your friends, coworkers, or family. Are any of them working on similar goals? It could be as simple as asking, “Hey, ...
it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. What is gratitude? Gratitude is a conscious, positive emotion one can express when feeling thankful for something, whether tangible or intangible. From the time we are little, we are asked to thank ...
One of my girlfriends is visiting NY for meetings and she asked me to help her to pick up her wedding gown from Vera Wang the day before. I am so happy for her. You know there are times when you say “good for you” you actually feel “gosh it’s so unfair I cannot believe she...
If you’re going to take this route, do a quick survey among your employees to see what kind of food they like. This is an easy way to boost employee motivation if there are fun parties to look forward to every holiday or on a set schedule. Make sure there are drinks, and lots of...
Based on a survey on the Internet, because of some negative cases, a majority of people admit that they are unwilling to donate or help others through charitable activities or organizations. As a college student, I am firmly convinced that it is exceedingly necessary for the public to be ...
Viewings are usually somber events that occur in the funeral home. They almost always occur before the funeral service, and typically just hours prior. This is a time when friends and loved ones can pay their final farewell to the deceased and offer words of support and comfort to the famil...
Remember to talk with professional mentors in your life for advice and encouragement. Teachers and tutors can support you if you need to earn a degree or certification. Friends and family members can also become great sources of loving support as you push yourself to grow professionally. Without...
For Medical Leave Someone leaving work for personal medical reasons or to care for an ailing spouse or relative requires a gentle approach. In this instance, words of hopeful encouragement are most appropriate, such as “You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers,” or, “Thinking of you during...
A lot of the better paying jobs areintense, demanding, has long hours,and sometimes your coworkers are mean. So what?That is exactly what you signed up for.You need to deal with the pressure, the hard work and all the other mess if you want to move up to the next level. If you ...
and feelings, Hussain advised. For instance, instead of saying something along the lines of the employee is so inconsiderate of everyone’s time for being late, try taking the approach that you are worried the work won’t be completed for the day if the meetings don’t start on time....