Examples of refined grainfoods: , white rice flourtorti l las enriched pasta enrichedacaroni manycrackers , white bread cereals pretzels grits baked goods Wholegrainsare healthier,somaketheswitch! Insteadof white bread,trywhole‐wheatbread.
Baking whole grain biscuits is a simple process that is similar to making regular flour biscuits. It starts by mixing whole grain flour with milk, butter, and baking powder. These ingredients are mixed together until the mix has a doughy consistency. Next, the dough is rolled out with a rol...
However, higher-quality studies are needed to confirm this. There are copious mechanistic and epidemiologic data suggesting that phytonutrients are beneficial, but we certainly do not need to eat whole grains to obtain them. Many plant-derived foods contain these compounds, such as olives, nuts ...
Americans are being urged to eat at least three one-ounce-equivalent servings of whole grains each day (it’s easier than figuring out what 48 grams is, and our whole grain foods chart on page 3 of this article tells you what a one-ounce portion is for your favorite foods—e.g., ...
Here are some ways for you: Keep more fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products(乳制品)and whole-grain foods at home and at work. Try to eat a family meal every day at the dining table. This will help you focus on eating healthy meals and let you control what you eat. Pack a ...
Here are some of the worst foods to eat before bed. 1. Alcohol Some people may swear by a glass of wine before bed or even feel like they need a drink to sleep. And, yes, alcohol does have a relaxing effect, but this isn't necessarily a good thing around bedtime. When your throat...
What is a whole grain compared to a refined grain? All grain foods, like rice and wheat, start out aswhole grains, which means that all the parts of thegrain, including the bran, endosperm and germ, are present. This is important since each of these components offers health-supporting nut...
“By itself, fiber doesn’t seem very glamorous, but the foods that contain fiber – fruits, vegetables and whole grains –are delicious,” Salge Blake says. “For something that’s not absorbed by the body, fiber has a heckuva lot of benefits for your body. It’s like the gift that...
Eat whole-grain foods more often.A healthy meal plan should contain fiber. Fiber is the part of grains, fruits, and vegetables that is not broken down by your body. Whole-grain foods are healthy and provide extra fiber in your diet. Some examples of whole-grain foods are whole-wheat brea...
(a) Define a whole grain. (b) What nutritional difference does it have over a processed grain? a. Which of the above foods are highest in these nutrients? b. What changes could be made to the meal plans to improve their nutr...