Q: What are virtual particles? Q: Would it be possible to create an antimatter weapon by “harvesting” enough antimatter, containing it in an electro-magnetic field and placing that in a projectile? Q: If Earth was flat, would there be a horizon? ...
Okay I clearly don’t know a lot of physics and even less quantum physics, but is it really fair to say that virtual particles are not particles and the Feynman diagram is not a “picture” of the physical phenomena because for any physical phenomena to be understood we have to, in ...
Nuclear physics is a specialization of physics that focuses on the nucleus of the atom. This involves studying how the protons and neutrons of the nucleus interact, what the protons and neutrons are made of, and what other particles interact with and influence the behavior of the atom's nucleu...
Particle physics can be described as the study of the universe's building blocks. It is a branch of physics that deals with particles too small to be observable with other methods. In other words, it concerns itself with what they are made up of and how they behave. Particle physicists ...
The fields are like a coordinate system on which one can model with quantum field theory the behavior of particles. All the particles in the table of the standard model are represented by a field. The field mathematically is represented by the plane wave solution of the c...
Muons are unique particles in the standard model of particle physics and have wide-ranging applications. A high-performance muon source is an important experimental platform for comprehensive scientific research internationally. Wang Sheng explained that muons and neutrons are ideal probes for detecting th...
With this insight, particles can pop in and out of existence and are only detectible because of their influences, hence why we call them virtual particles. Empty space has potential. Literally, but it gets even cooler because if you put two plates in a vacuum really close together but still...
Even so, dark matter doesn’t disrupt the particles we do see and “feel,” meaning it must have other special properties as well. Related Stories Dark Matter Could Unlock a Limitless Energy Source What Is Dark Energy? “[T]here are still some questions which do not have an answer within...
It is born from the fact that some particles can be in two places simultaneously. Some say that they pop into the other dimension and back again. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle governs this area of physics. While our knowledge finds it hard to believe it can be in two places ...
Zero Point Field energy is the empty space around you in which virtual particles of consciousness appear as energy for less than a millionth of a second and then disappear. Scientists have never found engrams where it is believed that memories are stored in the brain because the brain does no...