However, through Christ’s sacrifice, we are offered redemption from both—the forgiveness of our actual sins and the renewal of our sinful nature through the transforming power of His grace. Mortal Sin and Venial Sin In Catholic teaching, actual sin is categorized into mortal sin and venial ...
These are the three root causes of all sins, as described in 1 John 2:16: “the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life”. “Lust of the flesh” is the disordered desire for pleasure, such as eating something that is forbidden. “Lust of the eyes” is...
Catholic wants to read the Bible. I will say, though, that I live in a largely Catholic town, have lots of Catholic friends, and I would be generous to say that 1 in 50 had ever read the Bible at all. The Bible mentions nothing about Limbo, Purgatory, penances, venial sins, Peter...
What are those? Mortal sins are sins which sever our relationship with God. Compare the friendship. If I annoy my friend by talking too much, that’s a “venial sin.” It’s not going to sever the relationship. But if I sleep with my friend’s spouse, that’s a “mortal sin.” ...
By infuse, Catholics mean the righteousness of Christ is put into the believer so it is substantially present within the person. (By contrast, Protestants talk about imputation. The merits of Christ are credit to the believer while our sins are credited to Christ on cross.) ...
THE BIBLE TEACHES THAT THERE ARE MORTAL SINS AND LESSER (VENIAL) SINS Mortal sins destroy the state of justification. That’s why Galatians 5:19-21, 1 Cor. 6:9, and Ephesians 5:5-8 teach that people who commit such mortal sins lose “their inheritance” in Heaven (justification). Examp...
So the full merits of Jesus’ death are applied. The question then becomes, what about post-baptismal sins and the amount of the merits of Jesus’ death applied? The Catholic position is that when you repent for post-baptismal sins, ordinarily through the sacrament of confession, the debt of...
Historic Catholic theology would say that those sins which do not change our fundamental option are venial sins and that those sins which do change it are mortal sins. Whenever a person commits a mortal sin, he has changed his fundamental option and chooses to be against God; he loses the ...
Look you, father, I will endeavor to divide that into capital sins." View in context A venial, or a mortal, sin? A venial sin, for you acted without evil intention. View in context There are moments, psychologists tell us, when the passion for sin, or for what the world calls sin,...
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