Although e-cigarettes do not contain tobacco, for regulatory purposes, they are considered “tobacco products” by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). E-cigarettes can go by different names, including vapes, vape pens or sticks, ...
Disposable vapes are the easiest vaping devices to use. They're even easier than cigarettes in a way since there’s no need to use a match or lighter. Just puff on the device’s mouthpiece, and you’re vaping. That’s it. The simplicity of disposable vapes has helped to make them the...
Yes, e-cigarettes or vapes are electronic devices that vaporize liquid, often containing nicotine, offering an alternative to traditional smoking. 7 What is a Cigarette made of? A cigarette is primarily made of finely cut tobacco wrapped in a thin paper. 6 What's the goal in a game of dar...
Recent studies show that there areone to two-thousand harmful chemicals in vape aerosols that can be breathed in second-hand. Vaping was originally introduced as a “safer” alternative to smoking; and by some standards, itisless toxic than smoking cigarettes: asthere are o...
Are heated tobacco products and e-cigarettes smoke-free? Because there is no burning involved, neitherheat-not-burn productsnor vapes produce ash orsmoke. Instead, they use heating systems to generate anaerosolinhaled by users. So heated tobacco products and vapes can both be called “smoke-free...
Electronic cigarettes are known as e-cigarettes, e-cigs, vapes, and cigalikes. While they do go by more than one name, they are the same thing: an electronic device used to turn e-liquid into vapor for the sake of inhalation. As many, if not most, e-cigs contain nicotine in the e...
Is vaping less harmful than cigarettes? What am I inhaling when I vape? What is e-liquid/vape juice, and what does it contain? What are glycerin and propylene glycol? What are vapes? Vapes are battery powered devices that heat a liquid, usually containing nicotine, to produce an aerosol ...
Even if there is less nicotine per puff in some cases for e-cigarettes compared to cigarettes, e-cigarette users can indeed consume the same amount or more nicotine in a day compared to smoking. We and other researchers aim to continue studying how new e-cigarette products are being used so...
A Savory Solution for Burnt Vapes The key to avoiding burnt vape woes is to understand the power of temperature and airflow. Adjusting the temperature of your vape can make a huge difference in the flavor of your vape. Too much heat will cause your vape to becomeacrid and burnt, while to...
Why are teens vaping? More thana third of the survey respondents(39 percent) cite peer pressure. They smoke e-cigs because a friend or family member also vapes. Not surprisingly the sweet taste of e-cigs also plays a significant role with 31 percent of teens claiming they are attracted by...