Student loans are a type of installment loan. You borrow money from the U.S. Department of Education (ED), a state government, or a private lender and pay it back in regular monthly installments over a fixed period. This makes them akin to apersonal loan. However, unlike a personal loan...
Learn everything you need to know about student loans with this Student Loans 101 guide. From loan basics to how to pay off your loan, we have you covered.
Federal student loans are the most common type of student loan. There are four main types of federal student loans: subsidized, unsubsidized, parent loans, and consolidation loans. There are also private student loans, which generally have higher interest rates and stricter requirements. What Is t...
FFELP student loans are federally backed student loans originally funded by private lenders. The FFEL Program ended in 2010, but you may still be repaying them.
Student loans allow you to borrow money to cover college and school-related expenses. Browse Investopedia’s expert written library to learn more.
Types of Student Loans There are two primary types of loans: Direct Student Loans through the U.S. Department of Education, and private loans. Which loans you end up taking depend on many different factors, including financial need demonstrated by theFree Application for Federal Student Aid (FAF...
There are two types of federal loans for undergraduate students: direct subsidized and unsubsidized loans. Read: Understanding the Types of Federal Student Loans Available. Subsidized loans are for students with a demonstrated financial need. The federal government pays the...
Scholarships and grants are the best forms of aid, as they don't need to be repaid, but to fill in the gaps, student loans can help. There are two types of these:Federal student loans, which are issued by the U.S. Department of Education, and private ones. Private loans are issu...
A non-qualified student loan is a loan that is offered by a school that does not offer federal loans. This can be due to the fact that they are not accredited by Title IV by the Department of Education. What Are The Four Types Of Student Loans? The four types of student loans are ...
Student Loans and ARS: What Brought Them Together.The article presents questions and answers related to student loans and auction rate securities (ARS) including the popularity of ARS in the student loan sector, and response to ARS.EBSCO_bspBond Buyer...