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He's also one of he only ones who will leave you hard cut for selling out the tieflings and the druids to the goblins, which he will do irrespective of Halsin's status, so it's not about tadpole cure options.You can convince him to stay and he will help you slaughter everyone ...
For me it's not just the immersing terrific story you are creating on the go while hunting for the ultimate answer but mainly the choice of NPCs you can get.No human cleric, halfling thief or elf mage you'd expect...You get a spirit warriorYou get a floating skull warriorYou get a ...
However, things are changing and she's begun to take more interest in her duties and the realm she rules. What she needs is a cult within the material realm... and that's where my warlock comes in. A Tiefling Tomelock, known for chasing after pretty ladies. Fierna is the best ...