Find more on the power of that little word, and, here. I gave myself a day to sulk, and then I tried to look at my work with clients from a different perspective. It is true that many of my clients, especially the children and adolescents, are downward-spiraling, AND it is true ...
There's no current real impetus to conflict and you're well aware of that, which is why you're choosing to be completely vague and hand-wavey, and not give an real examples which would be instantly shredded by the application of logic. Why don't you give a ...
Eighty of them, to be specific. In the following collection, you’ll find novels, memoirs, short stories, books of poetry, graphic novels, and yes, even a travel guide. Because many of these are works in translation, we made every effort to note the original publish date where possible,...
Here are three suggestions for philanthropists on how to contribute to more responsible data management: 1) Enhance your own awareness and expertise on the potential benefits and harms associated with data. Adopt processes that take a closer look at the possible risks and harms of collecting and...
as well as wrongdoing, error, or sin. In Nicomachean Ethics, hamartia is described by Aristotle as one of thethree kinds of injuries that a person can commit against anotherperson. Hamartia isan injury committed in ignorance(when the person affected or the results are not what the agent suppos...
the world to be instead of what the world really is like. The reader could have been spared some of the mockery and slander too if the editors had not been so inflexible. In the preface, we are told that the project decided against a regular reviewing process for each contribution because...
Layers of setting to explore in your writing Setting isn’t just about place—it’s about building your story world from the ground up. Here are the three different layers of setting you’ll need to consider when crafting your tale.
. They offer users a chance to be genuinely open about who they are and what they want but most people use them as an opportunity to try to be funny or as an excuse to brag. Then there's the odd bit of casual misogyny thrown in for good measure ("no drama queens," "looking for...
Normally poetry is not my preferred method of expressing myself, but this slam-poetry style post still runs through my head whenever I, or anyone I know, is subjected to a public reminder that we are not safe.Street harassmentis a pernicious problem for people who do not identify as mascul...
Many people are upset this morning. Many people feel crushed. It makes you want to scream in the street, to shout “what the fuck is WRONG with people?!”, to chuck a bin through a window. However much we might hate this result though, we must accept it. That’s kind of the point...