If you could let me know what the following are worth that would be great!OFFICER:1 x Chelm's modified heavy energy Neutraliser (39Km range)1 x Ahremen's modified heavy NOS (39Km range)1 x Cormacks Modified sensor booster (39% to targeting sped and targeting range)2 x Tobias' ...
Also combat wise the enemy reactions when shot are quite impressive even by today standards and everything Leon does (from shooting, melee, and headshots to even reloading animations) feels very satisfying. The awesome and punchy sound effects help a lot there too. The story makes it worth ...
More hours mean more worth my money/time when it comes to purchasing an SP game. @BassMan said: @R4gn4r0k said: I think all my favourite games are between 7-9 hours and perfectly paced. Replayed Bioshock recently and it took me 12 hours, I felt the end dragged on a ...
Side quests are also something worth revisiting in the nextResident Evilgame. In the originalResident Evil 4, players would very occasionally be able to shoot some blue medallions for a special prize. In the remake, this system has again been more fleshed out. Players will often be able to ...
Form 1040 Schedule 1 allows you to claim additional sources of income that aren't listed on Form 1040, including unemployment compensation, prize or award money, and gambling winnings. You can also use Schedule 1 to claim certain tax deductions. If you h
The way to realise what you personally thought of these three reboot games, is by how many times you have replayed them. I have played the first Survivor game 3 times. The other two survivor games 1 time only, as not worth the replay. ...
When you devote so much of yourself into something, you loss a bit of the sense of who you are. It gets mixed with what you're building/working on. When that thing fails, it can either break you or help you find yourself. It's a painful journey, that totally worth it. Upvote ...
However, the rook desperately needs to get to c1 safely, and for that, it's worth the time. 48...Rc1? 49.Ra8 Acknowledging equality. Most humans would try 49.Ra7 Kg6 50.Ra8 to take the tempo. I was intending Rh4!? 51.Rg8+ Kh7 52.Rg7+ Kh8 53.Rxf7 Rxa4 and hoping that...