What are the physiological responses associated with emotions? How do emotions impact our mental health? One of the hardest things to do is to understand your feelings. When people do not recognize their feelings, they tend to make choices and risky decisions that affect their lives. Understanding...
Emotions aren’t just mindless urges; they contain thoughts about matters of importance. — Martha C. Nussbaum 45 Emotions were like wild horses and it required wisdom to be able to control them — Paulo Coelho 39 Feelings or emotions are the universal language and are to be honored. They...
日出之前(before sunrise)台词翻译男主角:Ethan Hawke女主角:Julie Delpy导演:Richard Linklater一、 在火车上相识(一对中年夫妻在用德语吵架,声音越来越响,坐在过道对面的女主角看不进书,皱眉,拿包离开,来到男主角过道的对面,瞥了男主角一眼后,坐下看书。男主角很想搭讪,但没有勇气,在那里犹豫。这时中年夫妻从...
Research shows that people who can more clearly differentiate their negative feelingsalsotend to self-regulate their negative emotions more frequently. In JMA’sMindMastery program, clients learn that their feelings are not driven by the actual events that happen to them, but by their core beliefs,...
小孩还是大人能够更好的适应改变 Whether children or adults are easier to adapt to the environment? Children often adapt more easily to new environments due to their innate curiosity and flexibility. However, adaptability depends on individual personalities and experiences. 当要结婚或者搬新家的时候,什么...
If you touch my hand, you are touching me. So I am just as responsible for my body as I am for my thoughts, feelings, mental pictures or whatever - it is me doing it. This total reaponsibility for our own bodies, feelings, ideas and intuitions is very characteristic of humanistic ...
One of the areas I am learning to master are my feelings. A few years ago, I realised that I preferred to live in my head (it was acoping and defence mechanismfor me). Once I realised that, I decided to investigate and start to understand what feelings and emotions were so I could...
Third, some brilliant and ambitious graduates are confronted with a shortage of start-up capital, so they find it hard to apply what they learn to practice, no matter how good their idea sounds.nnAs far as I'm concerned, the program will not only offer opportunities to graduates but also...
担心会耽误孩子们的学习进度,脚伤还没有痊愈,她就回到了学校。 每天两节英语课,大约90分钟,她基本是“跪”在凳子上讲课。“跪着”讲课,不仅膝盖不舒服,也不利于血液循环,时间长了脚还会肿。脚受伤后,上厕所不方便,张老师在学校不敢多喝水…… 虽然坐着上课,有利于脚伤的恢复,但张老...
His buildings,forand with communities,are directly ofthose communities—intheirmaking,theirmaterials,theirprogramsandtheiruniquecharacters. ( )1.Whatcanweknowfromthesecondparagraph? A.Kérédesignedmanyschoolsasastudent. B.Kéré?sdesignsareappliedalloverAsiaandAfrica. C.Kéréisthefirstmalewinnerofthe...