Dengue, what are we doing wrong?Chok Suat Ling
患者,女,30岁。呕吐、腹胀5天,神志不清、胡言乱语1天。平素体健。查体:T36.5℃,P90次/分BP120/80mmHg。巩膜明显黄染,心肺未见明显异常,腹软,无压痛,肝浊音界缩小。实验室检查ALT520U/L,TBil215μmol/L,DBil138μmol/L。其典型的肝脏病理改变主要是 ...
Misdiagnosis between the two is common and contributes to the prevalence of co-infection. Both malaria and dengue are transmitted by female mosquitoes and cause severe fevers in humans. Because of this similarity, they can be confused by patients and medical personnel. However, they are two ...
There are four genotypes of dengue virus (known asDENV-1,DENV-2,DENV-3andDENV-4). A person infected with dengue will generally develop lifelong immunity to the particular genotype they contracted. However, they will still be susceptible to the others (NSW Health 2022). How is Dengue Spread?
What is dengue fever? What are the symptoms of yellow fever? What type of fever is associated with leukemia? What is the yellow fever vaccine? What is Roman fever? Is a fever a communicable disease? How long does a fever last with adenovirus?
Dengue viruses are spread by mosquitos and can cause a deadly hemorrhagic fever or a milder illness. This lesson covers the differences between the types dengue viruses and how they cause disease. Related to this Question What is the pathogenesis of dengue fever?
Collateral Presentation of Malaria and Dengue Viral Hemorrhagic Fever: A Rare Case. denguemalariamosquitobornediseasesCases on concurrent infection of dengue and malaria are uncommon in Pakistan.聽Dengue and malaria are the two very common, ... Qazi,Arsalan,Laila,... - 《Cureus》 被引量: 0发表...
Here are 8 different types of mosquitoesAedes Anopheles Culex Culiseta Mansonia Psorophora Toxorhynchites WyeomyiaAedes Found in tropical areas, these mosquitoes are known to be the most notorious when it comes to spreading diseases. Aedes mosquito bite can cause Yellow Fever, Dengue, West Nile,...
However, excessive hemolysis can cause a low number of RBCs in blood and lead to hemolytic anemia. Read on for more information on what is hemolysis, the types of hemolysis, its causes, symptoms, and treatment. What are the types of hemolysis? There are two main types of hemolysis: ...
Sometimes, dengue fever may be wrongly diagnosed, especially if the symptoms are mild and are similarly presenting the manifestations of other types of flu or viral infections. Serious complications may also arise in some cases. Dengue hemorrhagic fever, as already stated, is a serious complication...