In the popular imagination, “hallucinogens” yield illusions — tangerine trees and marmalade skies, as the Beatles put it. But in the biblical and mystical traditions, mind-altering techniques are not an escape into illusion, but a means to see deeper levels of reality more clearly. Fasting i...
When considering only their chemical makeup, there are six main classifications of drugs:alcohol, opioids, benzodiazepines, cannabinoids, barbiturates, and hallucinogens. Out of all the thousands of drugs that are out there, both prescription and illegal, each one can be categorized under one of t...
What are barbiturates? Barbiturates are central nervous depressants. They reduce the activity of nerves causing muscle relaxation. They can reduceheartrate,breathing, and blood pressure. All barbiturates affect gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter (chemical) that nerves use to communicate...
Studies have found information that suggests thatonline CBT can be effective in addressing symptoms of many psychiatric disorders, including bipolar disorder. The study does acknowledge, however, that some people may need in-person care—such as those experiencing an immediate crisis or psychosi...
Most of these drugs have a tranquilizing effect, which leads some people to mislabel them as “tranquilizers.” There are two main types of antipsychotics: typical, and atypical. Typical or first-generation antipsychotics were developed in the 1950s, when medical researchers really began ...
What drugs are considered as depressants and what effects do they have on the user?Drugs:-Any substance that is taken into the body and alters the body's function either physically and psychologically is called as drugs. They are may be legal and illegal....
But magic mushrooms aren't the only hallucinogens with notable healing powers. Shrooms, along with LSD andpeyoteall share similarities when it comes to self-medicating. Psychedelics are known to diminish a number of mental health disorders by changing the way the brain responds to negative stimuli...
A variety of the delusion, delusory cleptoparasitosis, is characterized by a belief that one's dwelling is infested with parasites, rather than one's person. Delusional parasitosis may be divided into three categories. These are primary, secondary functional, or secondary organic. In primary ...
For this category in particular, sellers are required to obtain approval from Amazon before listing in this category. For more information, see: Categories and Products Requiring ApprovalPermitted Listings:One of a kind paintings, watercolors, drawings, and two-dimensional mixed media A print or ...
Finally, we tested a two-factor solution. The two-factor solution consisted of a factor accounting for the BSI items and for the ASSIST items. The results of the EFAs are presented in Table 4. Table 4. EFA Factor Loadings. The three and two-factor models provided the most parsimonious ...