Ecchi anime are a dime a dozen, but it does take something with a little more oomph to stand out amongst the crowd. During the period when the anime was fresh off its release, the avatar of Hestia could be found all over the anime fan community pages and forums. In the middle of the...
Around 60% of the entire animated content across the globe is Japanese animation. It's something that's taken the world by storm over the last century and grows in popularity each year. Anime series and anime shows are incredibly popular. Works such asGhost in the Shell,Princess Mononoke, D...
Originally airing in the 1960s, "Speed Racer" is an anime adapted from Tatsuo Yoshida's Japanese manga by Tatsunoko Productions. It premiered on ABC in the United States and would become one of the earliest animes to become popular stateside. While the dubbing is a bit of a mess, with i...
Doing well in Japan is for the sake of everyone, not just personal gain. As such, like other Asian cultures, there is a big focus on mentsu, or saving face (Kopp, 2010). Even if you disagree with somebody, if they are in a position of power, you are to agree with them no ...
What Are the Key Elements of Lo-Fi Music Today? Lo-fi is a wide-ranging genre of music, but most songs that fall into the category will have one or all of these three main elements. 1.Repeating Drum Beats Like hip hop and other styles of music, lo-fi music tends to rely on a ...
So, what are we all watching this week? What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in… javabeans Beauty Inside:There’s no way I could keep up with all the new dramas that ...
Sure there are frustrating parts, but even the late nights, the mistakes, the problem solving, the inevitable jerryrigging is part of what makes every project interesting. If I didn’t love the process of creating a cosplay I wouldn’t be able to put in the countless hours (and ...
We had a good game drive in the morning and then returned to camp for hot lunch ... 分享378 白兰地祖先吧 领亿来吧 ❀坚持做20件小事 你的人生大不同4. Instead of being disappointed about where you are. Think optimistically about where you are going.与其对你现在所处的位置感到失望,不如...