Semiconductors are of 2 Types:An N-type semiconductor is one that carries current in the form of negatively-charged electrons. This is very similar to conduction of current in a wire. A P-type semiconductor is one that carries current predominantly as electron deficiencies called holes. A hole...
Tony DongDec. 20, 2024 Best Marijuana Stocks The reclassification of marijuana would remove a huge tax burden from the struggling industry. Matt WhittakerDec. 20, 2024 10 Best Investments for 2025 Heading into 2025, cryptocurrencies, AI stocks and pharmaceutical stocks are among those showing promis...
Nvidia is one of the world's most valuable semiconductor companies and the leading producer of graphics processing units (GPUs). Its GPUs and accelerators are often used for artificial intelligence purposes, training large language models like ChatGPT and processing large amounts of data. They are...
The annual growth rate for average DRAM capacityis projectedat approximately 12.4%. One of the reasons is Intel’s new Meteor Lake CPUs that will go into mass production in 2024. This platform relies exclusively on DDR5 and LPDDR5. For this reason, major semiconductor makers are increasing thei...
2. The Root of the Problem: A Shrinking EU Car Market The fundamental reason for the European Commission's direct imposition of tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles is that the EU car market is rapidly shrinking. Chinese electric vehicles, with their strong competitiveness, are taking an increasin...
Even though investors believed Meta and Snap would release similar earnings reports, the companies are completely different. Meta has rapidly expanded its profit margins and tripled its fourth-quarter profits year over year. Meanwhile, Snapchat is down over the past five years and has decelerating ...
These are some of the core themes we highlighted in our 2024 State of Game Technology Report, published earlier this year. Below, we delve into our key findings from the report, including insights into the future of gaming, emerging game development trends, the top challenges across industries,...
Micron is at the forefront of making education and careers in engineering more accessible, breaking down barriers to entry in the semiconductor field. By investing in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education for K-12 and supporting traditional and nontraditional pathw...
The Dow is reevaluated regularly. Companies are replaced when they no longer meet the index's listing criteria with those that do. Over time, the index became abellwetherof the U.S. economy, reflecting economic changes. For example, U.S. Steel was removed from the index in 1991 and repla...
Next in line is this $1.4 billion Direxion inverse fund that is designed to deliver three times the opposite movement of the ICE Semiconductor Index. That makes this fund laser-focused on betting against companies such as Broadcom Inc. (AVG), Texas Instruments Inc. (TXN) and Nvidia C...