Among the most common symptoms of allergic rhinitis in children are an itchy nose, eyes, or throat—as well as sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congestion. Respiratory allergies are triggered by inhaling allergens in the environment, such as mold spores, dust mites, and pollen. I...
Seasonal allergies, on the other hand, occur at times of the year when certain types of outdoor allergens are predominant. “You can have both,” says Dr. Bassett. And about two-thirds of people with seasonal allergies actually have year-round or persistent allergies. [7] Seasonal ...
Environmental factors, such as pollution and climate change associated with rising temperatures, may be contributing to a rise in allergies. Changes in the duration and intensity of pollen and mold seasons mean more people are exposed to allergens for longer amounts of time. “That’s a longer ...
There are other types of allergic reactions, such as delayed hypersensitivity reactions, which includes contact dermatitis from poison ivy or a nickel allergy — these are mediated by T cells in the immune system rather than antibodies. The most common allergens that trigger allergic reactions include...
Why are my eyes red? Allergens such as pet dander and pollen can cause your eyes to look red. When exposed to these, the mast cells in your eyes release histamine which causes your eyes to go red. Histamines can also cause watery and itchy eyes. ...
How are allergies diagnosed? Your healthcare provider will ask about your signs and symptoms. The provider will ask which allergens you have been exposed to and if you have ever had other allergic reactions. The provider may look in your nose, ears, or throat. You may need additional testing...
These are just a few of the allergens (or allergy triggers) that can lead to anaphylaxis.What Is An EpiPen Used For?Epinephrine (EpiPen, EpiPen Jr, Adrenaclick, Auvi-Q, Symjepi, or generic versions of the epinephrine autoinjector) is a first-line treatment for anaphylaxis. An auto...
Many people assume natural chemicals are better or safer than synthetic ones. But that’s not always true. Some of the most toxic chemicals on Earth come from nature. And sometimes using a synthetic option could conserve natural resources or avoid naturally occurring allergens. ...
Let’s take a deeper dive into the most common food allergies. The prevalence of food allergies like "the big eight" allergens—and a new addition Food allergies and intolerances impact over 85 million Americans today. [2] According to Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE), the top eigh...
Another area where immunotherapy is helping people boost their immune systems to stay healthy is allergy treatment. You are given gradually larger doses of allergens you're allergic to. The idea is that your immune system becomes less sensitive to the allergen over time. So, when you are expos...