Have and has are two of the most common words in contractions, whether they’re preceded by subjects (we’ve, it’s) or phrased as negatives (haven’t, hasn’t). However, have and has can be used as contractions only when they’re modal verbs, another name for helper verbs. When ha...
I think she means don’t use passive verbs, the teacher wants action verbs. To be in present tense is conjugated as: I am You are He/she/it is We are They are JLeslie (65901)“Great Answer” (1) Flag as…I hate it when you talk like that @JLeslie! I don’t know what you ...
Our introduction to prepositions teaches you what a preposition is using definitions and examples. Did you know that there are different types of prepositions and different rules for prepositions, depending on the context? Every type of word in English, be it a noun, adverb, or conjunction, se...
If the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular. Similarly, if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. This is called subject-verb agreement. Examples: Subject-verb agreement She talks a lot. She talk a lot. We talk a lot. We talks a lot. Tense Verbs are also ...
List of irregular verbs Since the simple past and the past participle forms of irregular verbs are unpredictable, they have to be learned by heart. Example Sentences Yesterday, I saw a rare bird in the park. She always wears her favorite necklace to special occasions. The children ate their ...
, permission and ability. A past modal verb implies something was possible, permitted, obligated or able to be done in the hypothetical sense, but didn’t actually happen. These verbs are combined with “have” to create the past modal structure. Here is a list of past modal verbs:...
Then add one more object to each list. Verbs Objects 1. reach a. my life, my money, … 2. achieve b. the top of a mountain, the library, … 3. risk c. my dream, success, …Self CheckCircle the correct word and/or fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in ...
Did you know that you use modal verbs of probability every day? Learn more about how modal verbs of possibility and probability work.
Regardless of what you actually did, you would use a certain kind of word to describe all of the actions you performed:verbs.Verbs are all of those exciting words that we use in our sentences to refer to actions or states of being. Every complete sentence that we say or write must have...
Do you know how to learn English words? First, make a list(清单)of them. A word list is a group of words that have the same part of speech. Here are some lists. A list of family nouns (mother, father, sister, brother, uncle, etc.) A list of verbs (be, go...