The modal verb can expresses whether the subject of a sentence is able to do something. Likewise, the negative form, cannot or can’t, shows that the subject is unable to do something. She can speak three languages, but none of them well. You can lead a horse to water, but you can...
In business law, what are the three requirements for a valid offer? Explain and give details. Explain the consequences when an intended acceptance varies or qualifies the offer. What are three of the primary sources of U.S. law? Provide one example of each primary source of law that is...
Complete the sentences blow. Write NO MOR£ THAN THREE WORDS for each answer 34 Bones provide a dietary ___ of the things people ate. 35 Different ratios of carbon and sulphur are found m organisms depending on whether they come from the ___ 36 Archaeologists analysed modem and ___ foo...
As you see in these examples, gerunds are verbs in thepresent participle form. This means they’re the root verb + “ing”: Seeing Cramming Wondering But that’s not what makes them gerunds. To be a gerund, a verbhas to act as a noun in its sentence. Present participle verbs arenotg...
There are generally three scenarios that may apply to you: In many cases, if you don’t earn more than the Standard Deduction you won’t have to file income taxes. For example, if the Standard Deduction is $12, 950, and you earn less than $12,950, then youmightnot need to fil...
Johnson recommends a light in the center of the room or one in each coffer to "create a dramatic scene,” she says. Recessed lights are often added to individual coffers for a uniform look. “Traditionally, recessed lighting with a dimmer switch is highly recommended for a room, and an ...
The IRS offers unique tax benefits to parents, including a number of tax credits that can help you lower your tax bill. Taking advantage of the tax benefits of having a child can help you maximize your refund and save for your child's future. Learn more
Newton's three laws of motion are the backbone of classical physics. The first law says that objects remain at rest or in uniform motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force. The second law states that Fnet = ma. The third law states "for every action
Exercises do little good if they don’t have time to sink in.Finally,find the best time of day to do your studying.Don’t do it when you have many other things on your mind or when you are exhausted. Your mind has to be receptive for learning to take place....
In this essay, I will engage with the controversy that has sprung up between the proponents of the sharp separation thesis and those of the entanglement th