Regarding ARLHS copyrights and logos, etc. ——— The ARLHS, LLC owns the copyrights and trademarks to the name Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society, the acronym ARLHS, and the logo of the ARLHS (the yellow circle with the lighthouse in the middle). [As a side note, under the revised Inte...
The court can impound these copies during the duration of the trial, until it makes an official decision regarding their final disposal, which can result in their destruction. The most costly of the penalties for copyright infringement is the final damages awarded to the author at the completion...
So, what are the rules when it comes to music copyrights? Good Question. "To a musicologist, they're going to analyze it at a much different level and they're going to find similarities and differences than a layperson," says entertainment attorney Blake Iverson. "And, the juries are la...
Check your video to be sure you have not inadvertently broken any of the rules regarding content. Be on the lookout for anything you may have stated that might violate their criteria, such as references to sensitive themes, and make sure you filter any language that could be regarded unsuitabl...
If you wish to give us notice in writing regarding these Terms, please email us at 2.3. If we have to contact you or give you notice in writing, we will generally do so by e-mail to the e-mail address you have most recently provided to us. If you have ...
Can you play music on Twitch, then? Yes. Youareallowed, as long as you follow the Twitch music rules. Let’s get into it. Can you play music on Twitch when you stream? Three different categories of music can be used in Twitch streams: ...
May 13, 2022ListsAdded another example of a bulleted list. Expanded the Exception and added examples to address gaps in guidance regarding lists that do not complete an introductory phrase, but whose items are all short, complete sentences. ...
This series of meetings and tariff reductions would continue, resulting in new GATT provisions in the process. In 1964, GATT began to work toward curbingpredatory pricingpolicies (known asdumping). Then in the 1970s, an arrangement regarding international trade in textiles, known as theMultifibre...
Footnote 6 Presumably, most candidates will still seek, strategically, to graduate in law with the aim of attaining a more solid knowledge of, and familiarity with, the rules, principles, etc. being tested in the qualifying examination. However, the fact that the regulatory authority for ...
A restraining order is a special type of cease and desist order used in cases of stalking or intimidation. The definition and rules regarding stalking vary by state. Character Defamation and Libel It is illegal to make untruthful comments about another person that could be harmful to their reput...