I am interested in the relational and internal processes of what people consider to be a relationship in the first place, how they distinguish between a “serious” relationship from something “casual,” and how people, especially immigrants who have been inculcated in the rules of romance in ...
When we got to the discussion segment of that session, I reminded him that I had written a book on Joseph Smith founded on the very assumption that an angel delivered golden plates on a New York hillside. [Referring toJoseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism, University of Illinois Pr...
These seven years of tribulation are described in the book of Revelation, chapters 6-19, where we see 21 judgments from God on a rebellious world, where many people will still refuse to repent and will instead raise their fists to Heaven and curse God! (These 21 judgments are the 7 seal...
given not as "commandment or constraint," but as a "word of wisdom." By the early 1900s, though, LDS leaders moved to make the prohibitions mandatory, and now such abstinence has become a hallmark of Mormonism.
“You are going to say, I ADORE you.” “Whaaaaaat!? How did you know?” I usually smash my face into the side of her soft neck at this point. I feel so full of the force of my love,I want to breathe her into my body again. ...
I’ll only briefly summarize them here. A professional victim or martyr identity says, “I’ve been wronged. I’m special. Therefore, I’m owed.” This gives rise to pathological entitlement. Entitlement says, “I’m special. The rules don’t apply to me. I should get what I want wit...
This presents something of a paradox: humans are both a pair-bond species who desire to form dyadic unions, even when they are not culturally sanctioned, and who have an adaptive cognitive capacity to create alternative ways of living. Keywords: romantic love; Mormon Fundamentalist; co-wives; ...
On the other side, there is evidence that the Mormon alt-right wackos are indeed doing some victory laps and using the musket talk somewhat menacingly online. This “DezNat” wannabe secret combination of Mormon alt-righters is a scourge. Anything that revs those...
For the familiarity of words and rules and rituals. For the loss of the tethers that gave definition to my family. I did not know how to recreate myself from this rubble, and yet inside it, were all my pieces. I have cried more tears in the last year than I have in my entire ...
Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Make it yours today! Advertisement. Bad banner? Please let us know Remove Ads References in periodicals archive ? Al Mansoori said the second cycle of the MRM Business Innovation Award registered a 21% increase in ...