when he came to think of it, that King Khatsua was acting wisely in his generation. For the introduction of diggers into his dominions would surely have meant, as everywhere else, the speedy proclamation of a British protectorate, and the final annihilation of King Khatsua himself and his du...
The way I heard it, Madeira became a vey popular wine because of a fluke…kind of. It seems when the great sailing ships would load up with barrels of quality European wines and make the trek to the New World, all the sloshing about from the waves would spoil the brew. Then enter th...
Indeed, the argument that people in countries that enforce mandatory voting are more satisfied with the electoral process (Malkopoulou 2020:282) is disputed by Miles and Mullinix (2021) in their study, which found that those not compelled to vote experienced no anger whatsoever. As a result, ...
Hometime, last days are always a problem for me, just cannot relax – but we found a great place to lock our bags away for a few hours, then had another walk through the town down to the South, crossing the Grand Canal we made our way back on the “west” side of Venice, which ...
If you travel to Warren, New Hampshire, you won't be able to miss the gigantic rocket in the middle of the town square. This 8-ton Redstone rocket was given to the town in 1971 when the U.S. government discontinued its mission. Some towns have nice Civil