Generally, companies use IIOT projects to save on internal costs. The commonly used applications of IIoT are smart factories, smart metering, smart grid, and many more. Let us have a clearer vision of industrial IoT and the significant elements that have contributed to its emergence. What Is ...
Physical safety risks associated with IoT devices can be a major concern, especially in sectors likemanufacturing, healthcare, and home automation. If IoT devices in these sectors are compromised, either through hacking or malfunction, they can cause physical harm. For example, unauthorized control ...
While the use of AI in healthcare promises to improve visibility and implementation, there are serious risks associated with the emerging technology if misused by staff or abused by threat actors.
IoT Devices - discover what they are, how they are used today and what the risks and concerns are. Discover real world examples of the devices
As the price of sensors and communications continue to drop, it becomes cost-effective to add more devices to the IoT – even if in some cases there's little obvious benefit to consumers. Deployments are at an early stage; most companies that are engaging with the IoT are at the ...
digitization and migration into cloud-based systems. With many more digital assets, organizations substantially increased theirattack surfaces, often without regard for how to secure them. The rapid shift means that some organizations are not well-informed of the risks or cut corners during the ...
Lastly, risks can be introduced anywhere along the pipeline, so it’s important to implement security checks throughout the software development process to ensure that any new issues that manifest within the pipeline are detected as early as possible. It can, however, be difficult for teams to ...
IoT (Internet of Things) refers to devices that are connected to the Internet, with devices ranging from lightbulbs and switches to cameras, printers, cars, and heavy industrial machinery.
In summary, SSL certificates fundamentally work using a blend of asymmetric cryptography and symmetric cryptography for communications over the internet. There are also other infrastructures involved in achieving SSL communication in enterprises, known as Public Key Infrastructures. ...
Mobile Security: Mobile security, also known as wireless security, is the protection that is in place for smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other portable devices and the networks they are connected to from the threats and risks that are involved in wireless computing. Disaster Recovery or Busin...