What Is the Rarest Silver Certificate? Among the rarest silver certificate dollar bills are the 1928C, 1928D, and 1928E versions. Any notes that fall into these categories can fetch up to $4,500 as long as they're in very good condition.30 ...
Gold and silver melt easily and when absolutely pure are so soft you can push your thumbnail into them. You need to alloy them with a trace of copper or some other metal to make them durable enough for coins or jewelry. Not so with rhenium, iridium, and rhodium. Though rhenium is the...
Before the acquittals, the BBC released a documentary called The Slumdog Cannibal, which tried to examine the motivations of the servant who had admitted to the crimes. The legal position becomes a lot more complicated once convictions are quashed, so in the two-hour Netflix special Sector 36,...
Read our feature of how an organisation dating back to the 12th century is responsible for the world's rarest passport still used today.
There are the Sherlock books but they seem to occur in a slightly earlier version of Now, much like a Western would. Something earlier gets you into different terms, languages – everything. I was therefore hesitant to read Candace Robb‘s new Owen Archer mystery, A Snake in the Barley, ...