What are the radicals of Vietnam era thinking now?Georgie Anne Geyer
As to your wish that Republican radicals were back again, consider that it was the Republicans who supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964, ensuring its passage, in greater measure than the Democrats did. BySZapper— On Oct 04, 2011
Free radicals are unstable atoms that can damage the cells in the body. What makes them so unsteady? They’re oxygen-containing molecules that have an unpaired electron. That single electron allows them to interact freely with other molecules, which isn’t always a good thing. Where do they ...
Radicals are the undoing of exponents. In other words, since 2 squared is 4, radical 4 is 2. The radical sign, , is used to indicate “the root” of the number beneath it. If the radical sign has no number written in its leading crook (like this ...
Carrie Gabriel, MS, RDN, explains why free radicals are bad for your health. Plus: three ways to reduce free radicals in the body to support long-term wellness. Your body might be exposed to everyday sources of pollution and other toxins and be able to fend those off, but pesky free ...
One of the most exciting aspects of learning Chinese is learning how to read and write characters. But without a way to break them down, it quickly becomes an overwhelming task. That’s where Chinese radicals come in – a way to make sense of the chaotic
If free radicals are potentially dangerous to your skin, it seems natural that you'd want to avoid them. But where are they found in the first place? "Free radicals exist in our environment and can be generated from substances in the food we eat, the medicines we take, the air we brea...
Free radicals are associated with human disease, including cancer, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and many others. They also may have a link to aging, which has been defined as a gradual accumulation of free-radical damage, according to Christopher Wanjek, the Bad Medic...
Radicals do play a key role in several biological processes. They play a part in the work of the white blood cells called phagocytes, which "eat" bacteria and other pathogens in the body. They also are believed to be involved in a process called redox signaling, where they are thought to...