Stability is clearly of great importance to giant land animals following “the bigger you are, the harder you fall” principle. Compared to walking with vision, blindfolded elephants were able to keep the duration of each stride close to the average (in one way remaining “stable”) but the ...
Let us informally say that a form is controlled by the norm if the form is small whenever are -bounded functions with at least one of the small in norm. This definition was made more precise by Gowers and Wolf, who then defined the true complexity of a form to be the least such that...
FijiFirst Leader, Voreqe Bainimarama says the Deputy Leader of People’s Alliance, Manoa Kamikamica should look at what is happening beyond Fiji’s borders when he claimed in their rally that Bainimarama and Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum are the cause of the incr...
In the same breath, audiences are standing behind the brands who are authentic and can be transparent with them. Owning up to mistakes and allowing your brand to be authentically "human" when a crisis strikes on social media can go a long way in the eyes of your audience. Use Meltwater ...
My favorite part of the conversation was learning about the tradeoffs between having an open or closed society, and how those factors contribute to innovation. Please enjoy my conversation with Joseph Henrich.Keep up with the podcast Enter your email to receive information about every new podcast....
No doubt brutal subjugation of the original people is part of the explanation, but there would have been many factors contributing what has taken place here.To this day, the flags of the original people of Australia, the Aborigines and the Torres Islanders, are flown at government buildings ...
The four areas that pH has the most effect on in drinking water are the following. Aesthetic characteristics:At extreme levels, pH affects the physical characteristics of water such as color, odor, turbidity, or taste. This is rare and often involves interaction with other factors such as corro...
A participant of Fiji Women’s Rights Movement’s Grow.Inspire.Relate.Lead.Succeed Programme says she always wanted to be involved in a lot of events but could not because she has hearing impairment. The girl says through the program, she knows ...
Fiji mermaid by Alan Friswell. “Hand of Glory” by Alan Friswell. Pithecanthropus by Alan Friswell. Very Harryhausen in spirit. Oddly, but somehow appropriately, there are ?350 year old whale bones on display in the hall next door, with a mysterious history. WW2 bomb shelter in a “Victory...
energy required to deliver the electricity or natural gas. This includes factors such as transmission loss and energy generation efficiency and breaks down each energy sources separately. In this instance one unit of electricity does not equal one unit of natural gas as they have differences in ...