I want to read the Sixteen Definitive Anathemas against Bergoglianism, and also know why there are only sixteen. 6 September 2022 at 11:37 AM In schola, we had an interesting time preparing the Propers of the Feast. The Offertory is reused from the Feast of St. John Bosco: its text...
Later morning Masses are known among parish priests as the “Sleep-In-But-Not-Really Mass.” Attendees of these Masses are not early risers, but they also don’t plan to sleep in all day. After all, these people have things to do — Monday’s almost here! But they do want to sleep...
Worship IV. Yes, it has crummy Haugen mass settings, but there are others that are useful. I like the Schubert mass, and so does the pastor. It also has a good selection of traditional hymns. Paul_OnnonhoaratonApril 2013 Posts: 434 ...
What are the universal characteristics of 'sacred' music? Every artwork, if it is effective, has universal qualities, because as human beings we all share certain universal qualities. Every artwork also has specific contexts, which can only be fully understood by those familiar...