What are the organs in the urinary system?Function of the Urinary System:The urinary system is the organ system responsible for filtering the blood and removing nitrogen-containing waste products as well as some dead cells. Nitrogen-containing wastes include ammonia, urea, and uric acid....
What are the major organs in the nervous system? What is the function of the central nervous system? a. to process information and form a response b. to gather information c. to receive stimuli from the environment d. to carry a response to glands and muscles ...
Third, it then produces a response in the relevant part of the body. Today, we are going to take a closer look at how various aspects of the nervous system help us accomplish these tasks. The nervous system is separated into two main divisions: the central nervous system, which includes ...
Uncover the intricate relationship between aging and the nervous system. Learn about the effects and adaptations that occur as we grow older.
While heat waves may not have the excessive (过度的) winds or rain that you think of when considering natural disasters they are in fact a natural disaster. 谈到自然灾害,人们总是想到狂风或暴雨,尽管热浪并没有这些特点,但它们实际上是一种自然灾害。
Your organs, eyes, nervous system, and blood vessels can also be affected.What increases my risk for a connective tissue disorder?You might have been born with the disorder, or it may develop from any of the following:Healthy cells in your body are attacked by your immune system by mistake...
What are the organs in the digestive system? A Team Effort – Your digestive system comprises several organs, each with a specific role. Each of these organs plays a crucial role in the digestion process, with intricate mechanisms designed to ensure the proper breakdown and absorption of...
Temporal lobesare where the functions of memory, speech, andhearingare located. Occipital lobesare where vision is located. Brain cells use glucose almost exclusively for their energy needs, and unlike other organs in the body, the brain cannot store glucose for future use. If blood sugarlevels...
Long-term exposure to cinnabar or mercury can have severe and lasting effects on the central nervous system and other organs. What is cinnabar and what is it used for? Cinnabar is a bright red to reddish-brown mineral composed of mercury sulfide and is the primary ore of mercury. ...
The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and sense organs. Its function is twofold. Firstly, it allows external stimuli, such as sights, sounds, smells and sensations to be conveyed from the sense organs to the brain, where they are interpreted. Secondly, it allows signa...