The scalene muscles are the three pairs of muscles that extend from the ribs to the sides of the neck. The main functions of the...
When muscles are strained, the fibers within them can become tangled and stuck together, forming these knots. Trigger points can be found throughout the body but are most commonly found in the neck, shoulders, and back. Symptoms of trigger points include pain, stiffness, and limited range of ...
The cervicis are a group of muscles -- including the semispinalis cervicis and the splenius cervicis -- located deep in the back of your neck. These muscles are narrow bands of tendons that run from the top of your neck to the sixth thoracic vertebrae. With the help of these muscles,...
Being the biggest muscle in the body, your glutes are responsible for a lot of the movements we complete each day. But your lats and quads are key players in everyday motion, too. Learn where these muscles are located, what they do and how you can keep them strong and healthy. Video ...
The use of a neck massager can be a great way to unwind after a long day, such as while reading a book or watching television. In addition to its benefits to the muscles of the neck and shoulder, a neck massager may also help relieve tension or stress headaches, as well as to help...
Tip: Maintain healthy spinal curves and keep your back in shape with correct posture and regular strength exercises targeting the back and abdominal muscles. Vertebrae As mentioned above, our vertebrae are numbered and divided into five regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx. Did ...
may i know if there is any treatment for a continusly spam in gleuts muscles and thighs caused by neuropathic pain?... the neuropathic pain is gone now but the spasm and changing in the size and shape of muscles is still any treatment makes it go for ever?
Muscles are made up of fibrous tissues that allow them to contract and expand to perform different movements. This allows different parts of the body to maneuver in certain ways and allows them to maintain certain positions. Types of Muscle:...
Muscle cramps most often occur in the legs or feet. They are also common along the ribs and in the arms and hands.What increases my risk for a muscle cramp?A muscle cramp may be caused by tired muscles or failure to stretch properly. The following may increase your risk:...
This is a deep two-headed muscle that runs along the internal surface of the mandible. It works together with the temporalis and masseter muscles to elevate the mandible. The medial pterygoid muscle also acts to protrude the mandible and promotes side-to-side, or grinding, movements. ...