Remember that a composite number can be any given number which is a positive integer (or natural number) whose divisors are smaller positive integers, provided the number has a minimum of 3 factors. Note that a highly composite number has a large number of factors, and outlining this concept...
Multiples of 10: When multiplying or dividing by 10 (or multiplies of 10), the easiest thing to do is determine how many zeros there are in the multiplier (or divisor) and then moving the decimal the appropriate number of places. For example, when dividing 123 by 100, the decimal place...
Let us have a look at the list of all the odd numbers from 1 to 200 and try to apply the knowledge we have learned here so far. Note that none of the numbers given here aremultiplesof 2. It should also be noted that out of the first 200 numbers, only 100 numbers are odd numbers...
When measuring length using the U.S. customary system, two of the basic units of measure are inches and feet. Unlike the metric system, these units are not based on multiples of ten, so to convert inches to feet, you need to know the conversion rate. ...
My E5 quantity is less than 80 and I want the E5 value to be used, rounded up to the next multiple of 10. Should I use the 'ISO CEILING' function or the 'CEILING.MATH' function to complete the NO argument, and where do I put the brackets?
Here are some examples of equivalent fractions using abar modeland showing the ‘parts’ each numerator is referring to out of the ‘whole’ ie the denominator. 4/6 = four out of six parts, also shown as a : Although 8/12 may look like a different fraction, it is actually equivalent ...
When collecting data for a research project, randomness can sometimes be extremely important. Randomness refers to choosing samples of data in a completely random manner with no bias, and each element of the sample has an equally likely chance of being selected. We have different tools that we ...
It's been a while since posting to the CN Forums so things have changed a bit I can see. Anyway, double star observing seems like the next step up from general observing. So here are a few of my favorites. Beta Mon will always be a real comfort to view. ...
Hi! I'm so glad that you are reading this, that means that at least someone is sharing with my this journey and that is more than enough. I want to challenge myself and see how far I can go and how much I can learn in one year. My main goal is that by the end of the year...
all power drawn from the power system would be converted to useful work, but this is not so in the real world. To fully describe power factor, complex equations are needed. For a simpler understanding, though, the U.S. Department of Energy uses a simple analogy of thepower required for ...