1.The baby is happy.那个婴儿很开心。 2.I like candy.我喜欢糖果。 3.I am sorry.我很抱歉。 Unit1教材B部分课文翻译 1Let's try部分翻译 Ms Wang is a new teacher here.Listen and tick. 王老师是这里的一位新老师...
如:I didn’texpect (that) he could win the championship. That theearth goes around the sun is known to everyone.Thetrouble is that we are short of money.The newsthat he resigned from office surprised us. 2. 引导强调句。如:Itis Mrs. White that makes the decision in her family. (四)...
WHAT'S THE wORD?HisHerTheirIts1. Mary's brother isn't short.(His Her) brother is tall.2. Mr. and Mrs. Miller's apartment isn't cheap.(His Her) sister is married.3. Robert's sister isn't single.(Their Her) neighbors are noisy.4. Ms. Clark's neighbors aren't quiet.(Its Their...
The contractionsMr.andMrs.are short forMisterandMissus/Missis. These contractions, like their longer forms, are used in etiquette to show respect to men and women.Mr.andMrs.are pronounced the same as their longer forms:Mr.is pronounced as [mis-ter ] andMrs.is pronounced as [mis-iz ] or...
Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher. 王老师将要成为我们的新语文老师。 What's she like?她什么样? She's very kind.她非常和蔼。 Is she strict?她严厉吗? Yes,sometimes.是的,有时候。 课 文 翻 译 1.Let's try部分翻译 Wu Bi...
Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher. 王女士会成为我们的新语文老师。 What's she like? 她是怎样的人? She's very kind. 她很平易近人。 Is she strict? 她严格吗? Yes, sometimes. 是的,有时。 We have a new...
Mr Mao is a great chess teacher and he is very good at 29.(play) chess, so you can learn a lot from him.Everyone loves delicious food. I think you also love it. Here Mrs M a is waiting to show you how to make delicious food. The 30.(cook) lessons are on Saturdays. You can...
They bought a lot of things and they wanted to put the things in the car. But Mr and Mrs White couldn't open the door of the car, so they asked a policeman for help. Just then a man came up and shouted: "What are you doing with my car?" It wasn't theirs. It's the man'...
1. What is the right way to cross the road?a. Run quickly.b. Walk quickly.c. Stop and look both sides.d. Make sure that the road is clear. A.abc B.acd C.bcd D.abd2. The old people often get hurt or die when crossing the road because they ___. A.are not careful B.forge...
1) What color is the key?(这把)钥匙是什么颜色的? It’s (It is)yellow. (它是)黄色的。 2) What color are the keys? 这些钥匙是什么颜色的? They’re (They are) red.(它们)是红色的。 3. color 1) n.颜色 2) v. 给...着色,把...染成某种颜色 color sth...