No, not at all, but the most useless degrees do exist. Some degrees produce careers that aren't well-paying, and every career requires a college degree. Alternatives to university degrees and college include career training programs, online courses likeTASS, apprenticeships, and other options. Ta...
Thankfully, I could never have imagined how good it is at the University of Essex. i wish i had done this so much sooner. From being able to use any of the facilities almost 24/7, all of which are top-notch - especially the library, ive never seen one like it. You're never ...
When looking for PhD programs, keep in mind that there are several types of degrees which have the term “doctor” in their title, such as the Juris Doctor (common in the US, Canada, Australia, Mexico and parts of Asia), the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) or the Doctor of Pharmacy...
Daunted:TheUnexpectedEducationofTwoSocietyGirlsinthe West byDorothy Wickenden, whoisamagazineeditorandDorothyWoodruff?s granddaughter. Whydidtheygothen? Well,theywantedto dosomethinguseful.Soon,however,theyrealizedwhattheyhadundertaken. Theymovedinwithalocalfamily,theHarrisons,and,likethem,hadlittleprivacy,rar...
There are many-the phone, the car, the bridges, but these are not my choices. For an everyday, useful invention, I vote() for the air conditioner. I live in Hong Kong, and during the summer, the temperature reaches 35 degrees Celsius or more. The heat is terrible! Without air condit...
However, grad school isn't necessarily ideal for "natural entrepreneurs," Huguet says. "I know many students who founded successful businesses while in college, and chose to work for themselves full-time after graduating. For these kinds of individuals, I believe graduate degrees ... ...
What are the Most Popular Postgraduate Subjects? Blog CareersAdvice by Mark Bennett Top 21 subjects for postgrad study in the UK Where is this data from? Search for a Masters Browseover 20,000 Masters courseson FindAMasters today. Do you want unbiased Masters information and advice? Sign up...
A common knock against liberal arts degrees is that they lack overall value and don't easily lead to job opportunities. Somecollegesand universities have retreated from liberal arts by cutting such programs. But despite dwindling support at some schools, liberal arts advocates are all in. ...
Enter: our guide to the most practical and useful gifts you can buy. The selections below are fantastic for a person who’s hard to shop for, or for when you’re just stumped on what to get. Sure, these gifts aren’t the sexiest items, but they all serve a purpose (and serve it...
Ideas are cheap and easy to come up with. Millions of people in the world have startup ideas. Most of those ideas won't prove to be worthwhile. If you ask anyone who's even remotely interested in being an entrepreneur, chances are they already have multiple startup ideas that they're ...