Christianity is being concerned about [others], not building a million-dollar church while people are starving right around the corner. Christ was a revolutionary person, out there where it was happening. That's what God is all about, and that's where I get my strength. —Fannie Lou Hamer...
Christian society is the riskiest and most dangerous type of society, the most open to catastrophic derailment, such as the derailment brought by modern liberalism. Yet Christianity’s this-worldly “lack,” which makes Christian society so vulnerable in comparison to the religiously structured society...
Question: What are the conflicts between Buddhism and Hinduism in India today? And, what role has Buddhism and Hinduism played in India's history? Hinduism and Buddhism: Buddhismcan be seen as a reformist faith that originated in India and...
Maturity is learning to walk away from people and situation that threaten your peace of mind, self respect, values, morals and self worth. What Is The Moral Duty Quotes The idea of duty--that recognition of something to be lived for beyond the mere satisfaction of self--is to the moral ...
Davidson chronicles the steady decline of faith, values and morals over the past century, and like Chesterton, he posits that there is no “Third way.” America is moving away from Christianity towards Paganism, not toward some other system. His case is that there is no o...
and when she finally fell into a trance, they would ask her to answer the questions that determined the life of society. Strangely enough, after two thousand years of Christianity, in many traditionally Christian countries today, fortune-tellers and sorcerers of all kinds are p...
“we are punished. We reward the paedophiles, we reward the liars, people with no morals at all.” (pregnant pause). So, how can those running things (finance, right?) keep control on everything? By sex video tapes of people who have political power! Get ready for it: “Maybe ...
The incarnation is a basic doctrine of classical Christianity. The four noble truths summarise the main doctrines of Buddhism. Dogma A doctrinal notion asserted without regard to evidence or truth; an arbitrary dictum. Doctrine The body of teachings of an ideology, most often a religion, or of ...
Discover the intriguing origins of “What Would Jesus Do?” Explore its journey from early Christianity, literature, social movements, to modern cultural significance. Uncover how WWJD shaped ethics and spirituality. What Jesus Promised He Would Do ...
This startling theory has not caught on in any version of Christianity, but it definitely has its own internal logic. Nevertheless, even if appealing, it suffers from the difficulty that the conduct of God does not otherwise seem to have changed. God may be love, and Jesus may have ...