Bear in mind as you read this, that our Ritual (the coded work) is not the secrets of Freemasonry. Contrary to the belief of many, our Ritual (coded work) contains none of the secrets that we harbor. There is nothing secret with the way we open a Lodge of Master Masons (or any ot...
Now, if Jesus was born on September 11, 3 B. C., what are the implications for our study and the coming Antichrist? As we have previously seen, Satan attempts to counterfeit or copy almost everything God does in relation to the human race. If the Lord was born on a date having 911...
What is the theme of The Canterbury Tales? What are the themes of The Merchant's Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer? What is in Canterbury in The Canterbury Tales? What is a franklin in The Canterbury Tales? What are the Masons in The Cask of Amontillado?
Finally, those interested in construction jobs can look for work as building inspectors. These professionals generally work for municipal agencies and are responsible for reviewing drawings, issuing permits, and inspecting the job for safety and code compliance. The building inspector also has the respo...
New side-bar parameter fields are more uniform and easier to organize; open a parameter field to show more detail and hide it when you’re finished. And if you don’t like the ordering of the parameters, you can rearrange them.
What are the degrees of Freemasonry? The experience of becoming a member of a Masonic Lodge is divided into three ceremonial stages that Masons call “degrees.” The three degrees of Freemasonry are Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. They are loosely based upon the journeyman sy...
The What Cheer Opera House was built in 1893 by the Masons for their lodge. The third floor was used for their lodge. The first and second floors were used for entertainment. In 1965, the year of What Cheer's 100 year centennial, the building was set to be demolished so a commit...
The Amish are a relatively rare culture in the United States but are very well-known for their beliefs. Their divergence from modern society has resulted in everything from curiosity to criticism.Answer and Explanation: While the Amish have many beliefs about life and religion, perhaps their ...
As non-profit global disclosure platform CDP puts it: “If we are to be in with a chance of beating this crisis, companies must be held to account for their plastic-related impacts and pushed to set targets for the reduction of plastic pollution.” ...
Many blue collar workers perform physical labor. Coal miners, masons, bricklayers, boilermakers, and welders traditionally wore darker colors. They may wear overalls, chambray shirts, or jeans, all in the color blue. Blue collar is still used to refer to the section of thelabor forcethat perf...