What are accidentals in music theory? What musical scale is made up entirely of half steps? What is an octave? What is the subdominant in the A Major scale? What is a diminished chord? What are standard language scales? What language is used in music notation?
I'm trying to figure out what chords appear most often in minor scales, in major scales it's easy: the I IV and V, it's not even a question. You can harmonize almost any major song with just these chords. But what would you say are the primary chords in the minor s...
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Put simply,music modesare rotations of the major or natural minor scales. …But what does that mean? An audio example is usually worth a thousand words. In the video below, we play two scales on the keyboard in succession. The first is the C major scale, something that many of us are...
Most piano students learn about the major and minor scales, but did you know that there are many other kinds of scales? Today we are discussing musical modes which originated a very long time ago in ancient Greece. Today’s major and minor scales in Western music are derived from modes, ...
What are accidentals in music theory? Scales and Musical Tones: Scales are a set of musical notes that are ordered by pitch. Scales are named by the letter of the note they begin on and the note in the middle of the scale; these are the same note at different octaves. Answer and Exp...
Each piece of music, be it a song, symphony or concerto, is written in a specific ‘key’. But what do we mean when we refer to a musical key, why are there 24 of them, and how do composers choose which key to write in?
What are scales? What’s a key? Feeling ready? Let’s dive in! What is melody in music? Put simply, amelodyis a succession of musical tones that are grouped together as a single idea. While melodies come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and moods, they’re often one of the most me...
No discussion of classical music is complete without scales. Technically speaking, amusical scaleis a way of dividing up an octave into various intervals. Now, in the Western world, all the intervals within a scale are seconds — major and minor seconds, that is. ...
I am starting to play / improvise in the major scale and would like to learn some guitar solos that are good examples of this scale so that I see how other people use it. What are some famous solos in contemporary or classic rock that make use of this scale? Update: I asked the ...