Galat and Berkley (2014) recently evaluated the experience to date, concluding that institutional barriers are the main obstacle to AM. This is elsewhere identified by SES researchers as a “lack of knowledge about how to manage the human dynamics of [adaptive] co-management” (Beratan, 2014,...
While the use of plastic materials has generated huge societal benefits, the ‘plastic age’ comes with downsides: One issue of emerging concern is the accumulation of plastics in the aquatic environment. Here, so-called microplastics (MP), fragments smaller than 5 mm, are of special concern be...
Ask a Homework Question Tutors available × Our tutors are standing by Ask a question and one of our academic experts will send you an answer within hours. Make sure to include all the information needed to answer the question. Please direct questions about technical support or the ...
Here, we highlight recent and notable achieve- ments, including up-and-coming developments that are set to transform the way we study the phylogeny and function of microbes in the biosphere. Stable-isotope probing SIP experiments are dependent upon the availability of suitable stable isotopes of ...
Microplastics are freshwater contaminants of emerging concern Among the multiple human pressures on aquatic ecosystems, the accumulation of plastic debris is one of the most obvious but least studied. While plastics generate remarkable societal benefits [[1]], there are downsides to our ‘plastic age...
Using responses from key stakeholders and managers at two coastal MPAs in Atlantic Canada, this study examined the importance of various factors shaping perceptions of MPA effectiveness and the role of legitimacy in influencing those perceptions. Results indicate that most indicators of legitimacy are ...
We studied shell variation in the thick-shelled river mussel (Unio crassus Philipson, 1788) sampled from two sites of very different character: (1) a rocky
The ecosystem service valuation is an approach with which to quantify and assign economic value to ecosystem goods and services and their functions. Due to the growing demand for and overexploitation of natural resources, the structure and function of an ecosystem are severely affected at the local...